Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Facebook - Good or Bad?

Facebook (FB), are you on it yet? If not, I am sure you have received a gazillion requests to be a friend to someone. I started my own FB page because my children convinced me that I would be able to see what they are doing all day. What mother doesn't want to know what their children are doing at all times?

It has been a month since I plastered myself on FB and I have 56 friends already. Who would have guessed that I even knew that many people. Honestly, half of our FB friends are people that you don't ordinarily talk to, they are just acquaintances. And it is nice to have an acquaintance ask you to be their friend, giving you the "key" to the door of their life.

So is it good that we are better able to communicate with people and learn more about them and their lives? Or will FB become the only avenue we use to reach out to our friends? Jesus says in John 15: 12-14 "This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends. You are My friends if you do whatever I command you." Do you believe that He meant for us to just drop a post online and you are obeying this commandment? Hmmmm.

I know the jury is still out for me. I have found that since I have been on FB, I am not calling people to check on them as much because I just have to go on and see what they have written. I have noticed that I can see where my time with God is decreasing and FB time increasing, so FB is becoming a stumbling block for me, which means that I need to step away from the computer more. But in the same breath, when I am on FB and able to see what is going on with my 56 friends. Not because I am nosey, but through their FB posts I am more aware of their joys and heartaches and can then contact them. Yes, there is a whole lot of goofing around on FB, but in my circle of friends, it is a fun kind of goofing.

So you tell me your thoughts about FB - good or bad and why. Am I keeping His commandment via FB, or am I just trying to convince myself something that isn't true? I know most of you posts on FB - but post here this time!


Sunday, February 15, 2009

It's Not Fair!!

If I were to guess, everyone of us has said "It's not fair!" more than we can count. I know I have said those very words so much that you would think I was two years old. And if I'm not saying it, I am thinking it.

Recently one of our sermons was on Matthew 20:1-16, the parable about the landlord who goes out and hires workers to work in his vineyards. Grab your bibles and read through it. The farmer goes out in the street at 8am and hires a few men and promises them a certain wage. At noon, he see more men that were looking for work and he gives them a job. Later he goes into the village and spots a bunch of men just standing around and asks why they are not working, and they tell him it is because they don't have a job. So the farmer says that he could use them in his vineyards and tells them he will pay them well. When the day is over, all of the laborers stand in line to get paid. The men who began working at five pm were the first to be paid, then the men who started at noon, and finally the men who had worked all day. Well the men who started working early in the morning was paid the same wage as the men who only worked a couple of hours, and they were not happy. They protested loudly that it wasn't fair they didn't get more. The way they saw it was that they were out in the hot sun for ten hours, so their paycheck should be a lot more than those dudes who just worked a couple of hours. Makes sense to me. I think we would all be questioning the farmers fairness here.

I could go deeper than you or myself would want to go with this parable. Truthfully Jesus told this parable for us to see that the workers he had contracted at the beginning of the day represent Israel and the workers who didn't have a contract represent the Gentiles. And that man looks at the quantity of the service where as Jesus looks at the quality of the service. He is saying that salvation becomes available to all through faith in Jesus Christ; Israelite or Gentile; and not how much we try and work our way into heaven.

But back to the "not fair" issue here. The way our pastor put it was "yeah, so what." There are things in life that just isn't fair. I know people who have a bigger houses and fancier cars. I know people who are able to jump on planes and fly off on vacation every year. I even know people who can walk without pain medicine or crutches miles at a time. And I admit that I have at least thought it wasn't fair that I my neighbor buys the best and nicest cars every two years. I admit that I have thought it isn't fair my sister is flying to Florida next week and the last place we went on vacation was to the 1000 Islands four years ago. And I also admit (ashamedly) that I will see people jog past my house and have even said that it isn't fair that I don't have two good legs.

Well God wasn't going to let me get away with that big pity party! He reminded me that yes, there are bigger homes than mine and smaller ones. That people fly here and there and others who are confined to nursing homes unable to even go outside. More importantly that there will always be people who will run faster than a speeding bullet, but I need to stop whining and start praising Him for being able to walk as much as I can.

He doesn't promise us a rose garden, but He does promise to be right there to lift us up when life sends us those moments when we say "it's not fair". Truthfully, I wonder if He was nailed on that cross saying, "this isn't fair"? Talk about something not being fair...look what He did for you and me so that we would be saved.

In His Love,

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Hello.....do you hear me???

Good afternoon. I am sitting at home with snow swirling all around my driveway, forcing me to stay put today. So when I am not running people here and there, I actually think. Yep - it's true. And I have been receiving emails about the Loungo's all day and that got me to thinking and praising.

This is going to be quick because I have cookies in the oven. I believe that everyday of our lives, as believers, God gives us at least one opportunity per day to be His servant. And if you are like me, it is so difficult to be able to listen and hear Him when He calls upon us. Everyday life really can drown out His voice and we miss so much of what He wants to say to us. And sometimes I do hear Him, but I try to push His voice to the back of my mind because I have way too much to do already. But I also believe that our pure offering to Him is to step up and to obey that voice.

So what did you do today for Christ? What did He lay on your heart to do for Him? I know He gives us opportunities every day. It could be as simple as a phone call to someone who needs encouraging, or taking on a major project for a family in need. What have you done today? I personally called and talked to my mother in law who has been home sick with pnemonia since Jan. 16th. And it made her day just to have someone call and show they cared. That small gesture is sharing His love with someone who needed it.

Post it! Nothing is more inspiring than to read what others are doing for Christ. Please bless all of us with a post!

Lovingly in His service,

Monday, December 29, 2008

Angels in the Life of the Believer

"But angels are only servants. They are spirits sent from God to care for those who will receive salvation." Hebrews 1:14

Don't you just love that verse? There was a time when I thought of angels as only being little fairy like creatures with wings and wands, granting wishes or saving someone from disasters. But then I grew up : ) I have definitely aged, but more importantly, my relationship with God has really grown.

Back to the verse: BUT ANGELS ARE ONLY SERVANTS. SENT FROM GOD TO CARE FOR THOSE WHO WILL RECIEVE SALVATION. In the cracks and corners of my small little mind. it says to me that we all are angels, even though we are not physically sitting at the right hand of God getting our "to do" lists. But right here in our temporary home, we are and can be angels.

Remember that old program Touched By an Angel? I only watched it a couple of times because I didn't believe in angels at the time, and thought the whole idea of God making a regular person on earth an angel to do God's work was stupid. But there it is in the Bible. God does take regular people who believe in Him and everything about Him, and uses them to do His will.

We are smack dab in the middle of the holiday season. Christmas has passed, and New Years are right around the corner. I was thinking about this verse and the angels I have actually had come to me over the past few weeks. I was without a car, and an angel offered hers to me to buy. I was going out to lunch with a bunch of friends, and an angel slipped a gift into my knitting bag when I wasn't around. I was purchasing a gift for my son on Craigslist for Christmas, and when I went to pick it up and pay for it, the woman handed it over and said "Merry Christmas, I don't need any money for it, I hope your son enjoys it." and wouldn't take a dime. ANGELS!! They are all over the place!! They are friends, strangers, snowplowers, mailmen, check-out clerks, people in the pews, people on the street. They are believers who is open to Gods voice and will go everywhere God sends them. Angels.

So I want to here your angel stories. Has God placed angels in your path this Christmas season? It is nice to hear how God is using you to be an encouragement to others. GOD BLESS!!!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Looking Up

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! It was a quiet one for my family. Poor Jason spent it in the hospital with a very bad infection, so he wasn't very happy about being alone for most of the day lying in bed. I went in early that morning, then took him a turkey sandwich and pie that night. Still wasn't the same with Stacey and Jason not with us.

My car didn't pass inspection this week, so it looks like I will have more time to do things that I have been wanting to do. I have been on the road all day - every day, and I am ready to just stay home for a while and work on some Christmas projects. I also have had a chance to catch up on my devotionals.

The one devotional from Greg Laurie that I read this morning really confirmed what I have had to do the past month - looking up. Here is a little of what he wrote:

"I once read about a life-sized granite sculpture of Jesus by a Danish artist named Thors Walden.

Walden sculpted the body of Christ in such a way that you can't see His face from a standing position. Next to the statute, however, is a sign that reads, "If you want to see the face of Jesus, you must sit at His feet."

Sure enough, if you get down at the foot of the statue, you can look up and clearly see the face of Jesus.

There is a great spiritual truth here. If you want to see the face of Jesus, you must sit at His feet."

I LOVE THAT!!! I can't tell you how many conversations I have had over the past few weeks with friends who ask how I am doing, and I tell them "Looking Up".
See whenever I am about to drown in frustrations, disappointments, and everyday stuff that I don't have absolutely no control over, I look up. I look up and I seek His face. I need to know that He is right there and He knows what is happening at that very moment. And just taking those few seconds to sit at His feet gives comfort. I have even suggested to others who are struggling with their own burdens to "just keep looking up, because to look anywhere else, you won't be able to see that Jesus right there ready and waiting to help you up." And Greg's devotional says the same thing only so much better! "If you want to see the face of Jesus, you must sit at His feet."

So that is what I do whenever life gets a little overwhelming. I want to know how you deal with all of the "stuff". How do you cope with the day to day frustrations and junk?
Have you ever tried to just stop for a second and look up? Post your comments.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Walking Together

Ok, snow?!?! It is actually snowing this afternoon on my mountaintop. It is wwwwaaaayyyyy to early to be spreading the white stuff.

Today I was with Eileen at Strong while she was getting ready to go to Benecassa in Mendon. Kathy; her sister; and I stood off to the side when the nurse came in to go over her discharge orders. We listened to Eileen's nurse explaining the papers with tears streaming down our cheeks. Nothing is more heartbreaking than to hear her say the words "you had a CAT scan while you were here and it was determined that there was nothing that we (Strong) could do to extend your life. Therefore, you understand this is the reason that you will be taken care of from this day forward by the wonderful hospice nurses at Benecassa. You also have the right to disagree with our decision and ask that we do further treatments if you think that it would be beneficial." Eileen's' lip started to quiver and in a tiny little voice said that she understood and signed it. WHAM - reality check right in the face. It was like she was signing her own death certificate. It felt like that for us bystanders and it felt like that to her. She is not going to be on this earth for too much longer, and this paper is like a verification. I kissed her goodbye and left her in the grieving hands of her family. Please pray for God's grace and mercy, that He will bring the peace she needs as she prepares for the next journey.

Ok, enough about Eileen (sorry). I want to focus on a couple of verses and I need your input. I am probably weird, but when God convicts me with something I should be doing, or something I have done, I see it as a blessing. Why a blessing? Because if God doesn't bring forth what His will is for me, then I will not grow in His Holy Spirit.

The verses that have taken over my little bitty mind the past few days are: Proverbs 3:56, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths." and also Malachi 3:10, "Bring the whole tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this", says the Lord Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it."

The Proverbs verse is probably the one verse that most of us have etched in our memories, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart.....". The magical word here is "trust" or not to doubt. And "with all your heart" no less. Ouch. That is easier than done for me sometimes. I have caught myself all too often of not trusting the Lord. But it is right there....."In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths." So why is it so hard to trust Him in everything?

The area of my life where I lack the most trust is with my finances. I can't figure out why I can trust Him with my health, or with my family, but I have the worse time trusting Him with my checkbook. But I think that those two verses should be side by side in the bible.

See, I never tithed before. I gave my weekly offering, but I wasn't tithing. One excuse was that Roy would have had a cow if I gave the church 10% of his paycheck. Especially when he is the only one in this family that brings home a check. Another excuse was, if I tithed then we would have to go without that much in groceries or have to give up something. Both excuses would require trust for which I was lacking. But I prayed and asked for the faith and trust (or courage) that I needed from Him. I mean that it is the only place in the Bible where He says to "put Him to the test". Well I am always up for a challenge, so I started tithing. It was 1/3 of my grocery money!

I tithed with a joyful heart and things seemed to be just as He said it would be. But then gas prices doubled, the bills were really starting to pile up, and groceries was fast becoming a luxury. So I freaked! Yes, He was providing for my needs, but I guess I had this idea that if I were trust Him enough to tithe, then He would "pour out so many blessings that I wouldn't have room for them all". But where I was standing there wasn't a big enough box to fit all the bills into, and my parents were requiring more attention (thus more gas for the car), and my kids were screaming for me to buy real groceries. I am ashamed to admit that I quit tithing and started just putting a couple of buck in the plate now and then. I can't even keep up with my pledge (but that's another blog, lol).

Now this is where I need you tithers and non-tithers to jump in and help me. Part of me says that seeing that I repay my debtors and keep my family fed is doing what the Lord wants me to do. But then I struggle that the reason I didn't see blessings pouring in fast enough to keep the electric on was the result of not keeping the faith. Maybe I threw in the towel at the first sight of trouble.

What do you think? What are your thoughts on tithing? I have a couple of friends who tithe faithfully no matter what else is on their plate, and I admire their trust. But like me, a majority of my friends do not tithe for other reasons. Let's talk and help each other walk down this narrow path He wants us on.