Wednesday, January 28, 2009 you hear me???

Good afternoon. I am sitting at home with snow swirling all around my driveway, forcing me to stay put today. So when I am not running people here and there, I actually think. Yep - it's true. And I have been receiving emails about the Loungo's all day and that got me to thinking and praising.

This is going to be quick because I have cookies in the oven. I believe that everyday of our lives, as believers, God gives us at least one opportunity per day to be His servant. And if you are like me, it is so difficult to be able to listen and hear Him when He calls upon us. Everyday life really can drown out His voice and we miss so much of what He wants to say to us. And sometimes I do hear Him, but I try to push His voice to the back of my mind because I have way too much to do already. But I also believe that our pure offering to Him is to step up and to obey that voice.

So what did you do today for Christ? What did He lay on your heart to do for Him? I know He gives us opportunities every day. It could be as simple as a phone call to someone who needs encouraging, or taking on a major project for a family in need. What have you done today? I personally called and talked to my mother in law who has been home sick with pnemonia since Jan. 16th. And it made her day just to have someone call and show they cared. That small gesture is sharing His love with someone who needed it.

Post it! Nothing is more inspiring than to read what others are doing for Christ. Please bless all of us with a post!

Lovingly in His service,